Grace and Truth Church, Cincinnati

"To please Christ, to preach Christ, and to become more like Christ.”

Welcome to Grace and Truth Church Cincinnati (parking and main entrance at the rear of the building on Weyer Ave)

Our service is at 10:30am, Sunday School 9:30am - (classes for all ages).

Grace and Truth Church Cincinnati is a Christ-centered, Baptist community close to downtown Cincinnati in Norwood.  Our aim is to please Christ, preach Christ, and become more like Christ. We are serious about the truth of the Bible and the grace of God that transforms lives.

We seek to be a church that teaches and lives in truth with humility that only comes through grace. We are a family of believers who encourage each other in our life in Christ. Our church family members help each other to grow and live together through the struggles of life as we grasp our eternal hope in Jesus Christ.

We prioritize an expository preaching style and seek our church body to approach their part of the preaching ministry seriously as they engage in expository listening. We believe that Christ brings hope to hurting people, primarily through reconciling us to God through his work on the cross.

Sunday School (Adults and Children): 9:30 AM

Main Gathering: 10:30am



Infertility & Adoption Conference

April 5th, 2025

VBS: Wonder Junction Starts June 22nd!

Grab your bandana and dust off your boots! We are headed west to Wonder Junction where kids will discover the wonder of who Jesus is. They'll marvel at the Creator of the universe who came to earth as a tiny baby and was laid in a feeding trough for animals, who grew up and began his ministry of healing people and demonstrating his power as God the Son, who gave his life in payment for sin, who conquered death, and who will return one day in power and glory. 

meet our leaders

We aim to please Christ as a community with a leadership structure of elders, deacons, and members serving together for the sake of the gospel.