Grace and Truth Church Cincinnati
Grace and Truth Church Cincinnati is a Christ-centered community close to downtown Cincinnati. Our aim is to please Christ, preach Christ, and become more like Christ. We are serious about the truth of the Bible and the grace of God that transforms lives. We believe that Christ brings hope to hurting people, primarily through reconciling us to God through his work on the cross.
If you are wondering about some of the distinctives of our church, they could be summarized in the following points. If you want to listen to our teaching on our distinctives, please listen HERE.
Christ-Centered Preaching and Teaching: We are a preaching church. When we talk about preaching, we don’t mean that we are preaching at you, but that together we come around God’s Word in our Sunday service and seek what God is telling us from his text. We practice expository preaching and expository listening.
Biblical Discipleship: We are a discipling church and we seek to see each and every person in our church to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and love for Jesus. We seek to have avenues of both informal and formal discipleship.
We are a counseling church. As part of our discipleship process, sometimes the overwhelming struggles of life require formal and personally catered discipleship. Our church offers biblical counseling - a discipleship process that believes strongly in the power of the gospel and the sufficiency of the scriptures to help hurting people.
No Truth Without Grace: While we are all about truth, we make intentional efforts to show that God’s truth and grace cannot be disconnected. As such, we seek to teach truth with humility and practice truth in love. We believe the commands in the scriptures to be gentle and kind in approach are as authoritative as the doctrines we seek to teach.
A Caring Fellowship. We are a family of believers who are committed to living out the one-another statements found in the New Testament.
A Family Equipping Ministry: We are a Church Family. Our church seeks an environment where we are one big family. While we have many individual families that come, we seek to see our spiritual elders teaching and loving those who are younger. We have King’s Kids (Sunday School) during our Sunday School hour for our elementary and middle school age students. We also have a nursery during our church service (10:30am). Our nursery is generally for children aged 6mths to 4yrs and during the time we train our children for readiness in sitting with Mom and Dad in the big service. Our high school / college students typically meet for prayer, study, and fun about once per month. We have church family lunches at the last Sunday of each month and we constantly encourage each other as brothers and sisters in the faith. We seek to also equip parents in their evangelistic and discipleship roles as they glorify God in the way they raise their children. We will have various equipping sessions for parents throughout the year.
Mission and Evangelism. We seek to reach our community and the world with the gospel of Christ and through local and global mission, we long for the growth of the great commission to make disciples of all nations. We support both local and global (cross cultural) missionaries and seek to equip and send more to go into the world for the sake of the gospel.
Vibrant Worshippers: We seek to understand that worship is an all of life, every moment, part of life for all believers. We no longer see a physical building as a place of worship, but in Christ we are individually and as a corporate body of believers, the temple of the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Sunday gathering is the time for believers to come together to equip and edify each other as worshippers as we worship together. Our Sunday services are times of glorious worship through singing, reading, praying, preaching, fellowship, and the ordinances, and are designed for the glory of God and the building up of the body.
Grace and Truth Church has had quite a long history. God has transformed us from a frontier church with nine members to an urban church that has members who were born in Cincinnati, Argentina, Burma, the Philippines and many places in between. Our church can look back at the achievements of the past, but our focus is on the future to see how God will use us for his glory. Our challenge is to present the truth of God’s Word in love to the Hyde Park community, the city of Cincinnati, and to the ends of the earth. Come join us and help us make a brand new history for Christ and his people.