One of the most famous excerpts from a modern day sermon comes from S M Lockridge who was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in the 1950’s. You may know this sermon by the title, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin!” Lockridge focused on what may have seemed to be the most dismal of days for the disciples as they watched their Master hang on a cross, die, and get placed in a tomb. They had heard Jesus say that the temple would be raised in three days but they were not aware of the reality of his resurrection until it actually happened. Friday was in some ways a horrible day, but Sunday was coming.
While I agree that Lockridge likely portrayed the outlook of the disciples with some accuracy, we need to be careful not to look at Easter Friday as if it is Bad Friday. Sunday is absolutely a day of victory, but do we look at Friday as if it is somehow a day of defeat? Before the foundation of the world God had determined that Jesus would take the full brunt of righteous judgment for sin upon his own shoulders as a once and for all sacrifice. Jesus paid it all for us on Friday. Friday is the day that our redeemer redeemed us with his blood. I am not in any way undermining the importance of Sunday, but we should see the whole work of the cross from atonement to resurrection as victory. We should find our hope in Christ’s redeeming blood every bit as much as his resurrection life. We should glory in our substitute for wrath every bit as much as an empty tomb. So, let’s remember that Friday is coming so that we can remember that Sunday is coming.
Its Thursday: God is offended at the rebellion of every human being without exception and the fury of His wrath will be without escape and without end – but Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and ever since his deception in the garden, Satan has been deceiving and blinding whole nations from seeing God’s glory – BUT Friday is coming.
Its Thursday: and the descendants of Adam and Eve still await the coming of an offspring who will crush Satan’s head…. BUT Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and all Israel have failed at keeping the covenant God gave them to be His holy people …. BUT Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and the continual animal blood sacrifice in the temple is a constant display to Israel that there is no one single comprehensive atonement for sin….But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and Israel’s scribes study and debate the types and shadows of the past arguing about the times and places of their fulfillment…But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and a curtain separates access to the Holy of Holies. The very heart of the presence of God with His people…..but Friday is coming.
Its Thursday…and every year high priest of Israel enters the holy of holies taking the blood of the sacrifice for his own sin so that he may also seek atonement for Israel….But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and Israel are confused about the true identity of their Messiah and how he will establish His kingdom….But Friday is coming.
Its Thursday: and twelve disciples of Jesus are confused about the teachings of their master …..But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and Herod is dillusional about his lust for power having beheaded his most annoying enemy, John the Baptist…..But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and Caesar, the conqueror and ruler of the greatest empire in the world, sits as he claims the title son of God….But Friday’s coming.
Its Thursday: and satan sets himself to enter Judas and finalize his strategy to strike at God….But Friday is coming
Its Thursday: Judas Iscariot, unnoticed but the other disciples, poses himself as a true follower of Jesus…..But Friday is coming.
Its Thursday: and once called the son of God, Israel has lost sight of what it means to be truly Israel….But Friday is coming.
Its Thursday: and Jews see no present hope that there will be another David to establish the prophesied everlasting kingdom…..But Friday is coming.
Its Thursday: and the whole creation groans in pain yearning for any sign of hope that it will once again be restored to its original perfection….But Friday’s coming.
And lest anyone doubts in any of the accomplishments that are achieved on Friday…….Sunday is coming.