The Second Coming Is Not a Second Rate Doctrine

Too often the consideration of last things has been relegated to the too-hard basket. That’s possibly because over the years we have found reason to debate about the minutiae of the doctrine of Christ’s return rather than encouraging each other in it. Our concerns for times and seasons and sequences of events formed through commitments to systems have somewhat dimmed our unity on matters of the end that are meant to solidify and unify Christ’s Church.

If I were to attempt a list of matters pertaining to the second coming of Christ that Christians must hold simply to maintain the unity of the church, I would suggest the following:

·      Christ is personally and physically yet to return.

·      There will be a resurrection for both the righteous and unrighteous.

·      There is a coming judgment for the wicked that will initiate eternal punishment.

·      There is a coming gathering of the saints for all eternity.

·      There is a final day that will bring the end of death and sin.

·      There will be a destruction (not necessarily annihilation) of the current physical creation.

·      There will be a new heavens and earth.

·      There will be a dwelling of God with his people in sinless perfection forever.

No doubt, even while reading through this list, there are some who may sequence some of these events in accord with their theological systems and millennial views.  I, however, am asking that we step back for a moment and think about the ramifications of the general nature of this list. If we deny these points, we demolish hope. If we deny these points, we weaken our strength of conviction to stand in persevering faith. If we deny these points, we lose all confidence as we inevitably face our own death.

The basic reality of the doctrine of the second coming is that this doctrine (and real expectation) is at the very heart of motivation for the church to continue in this present age. I am in no way undermining the importance of other doctrines. The doctrine of Creation helps us to understand what this world SHOULD be. The doctrine of sin and judgment helps us to understand why this world is currently the way it is. The glorious doctrine of the cross and resurrection is the assurance of atonement for sin and appeasement of God’s wrath. It also makes certain every promise of God. The doctrine of the second coming tells me that there is a final completion of it all that initiates a complete reconciliation of creation, the glorification of the saints, and the final vindication of God’s righteousness. Without the doctrine of the second coming, I am left weak and wanting, wondering if we will ever see an end to sin and suffering.

Well, take heart. Because of the resurrection, even though we have spiritually been raised to new life in Christ, we too will be physically raised on the last day with a great and glorious resurrection body.

Jesus is coming, and this doctrine completes my hope. It’s time for the church to unite and reclaim the precious essential truths of the second coming of Christ.