Why I Have NO Fear About My Church

Upon the great declaration from Peter that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, Jesus declared that he is building his church and the gates of hell would never prevail against it. Jesus has given a great promise to the church that it will never die and in fact, it will always be victorious in the gospel according to the sovereign grace of God.

When we think of promises like this, we underestimate that the promises of God are backed up by the faithfulness of God in keeping them. God’s Word is true and all that he says will happen because his word and his will are absolute.

On many occasions Jesus told his disciples that he was going to die and be raised from the dead.  Upon hearing this, they (especially Peter) attempted to refute the will of our Lord, but Jesus’ word is final. Satan attempted to tempt him away from it in the wilderness, but Jesus withstood Satan’s attack and proceeded toward the cross. The crowd in Galilee attempted to take him by force and make him a king who would overcome Herod and even Rome. Jesus dispersed the crowd and kept proceeding toward the cross. Peter seemed ready to stand with his sword and fight against Jesus’ arrest, but Jesus healed the ear of the guard that Peter cut and willingly gave himself over. Jesus refrained from giving a robust defense before the Jewish and Roman courts as he willingly went to the cross. Jesus said he would die and rise again, and this is exactly what he did.

On Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead and the angel described this event as happening just “as he said.” (Matthew 28:6).

How do I know that Jesus will keep his promise to protect and grow his church? How do I know that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead? How do I know that Jesus will complete his work that he has promised to finish in us? How do I know that there will be ultimate and final perfection of his saints? How do I know that the church will stand in wonder before the shining brilliance of God? How do I know that there will be a new heaven and earth without the stain of sin and suffering? How do I know that the church will live forever in the presence of our Savior and Lord? BECAUSE no mere man can come to life after death. Upon the will of our Savior, he died for sin, was buried, and rose from the grave in victorious life as King and Lord forevermore. It’s not that he simply promised to do the impossible, he DID the impossible.  

Whatever Jesus promises, it’s worth believing. It’s worth staking your whole life on it.

Have no fear. Jesus is with his church.