Letters To Timothy: A Summary

This week our church finishes our sermon series in 1 and 2 Timothy. This has been such a helpful series and I am reminded, even though this is written to Timothy as a pastor in Ephesus, it is just as much written to the whole church in Ephesus. It is a letter TO the pastor, FOR the church. Paul ends 2 Timothy by saying "Grace be with you." The you is a plural - y'all. There are numerous calls to action that Paul gives to Timothy as he deals with a significantly difficult job in shepherding sheep who are surrounded by some wolves. Those calls are significant for the whole church.

As a reminder to our church family, here are some of the calls we've heard from the Apostle Paul. Be reminded that 2nd Timothy are his last recorded words on the planet.

1 Timothy 1

We have a call to guard the good deposit of faith. We are charged to combat worthless teaching. We can understand the scope of the gospel through the calling of Paul who is chief of sinners. Sinners are called to Christ. The gospel of saving sinners is entrusted to us.

1 Timothy 2

We are called to pray for all people. We are called to pray for those in authority that we might have peaceful lives for the sake of the gospel. We are to maintain the apostolic gospel for all people (including gentiles). We are called to men and women of God and not per the world's standard. Men are called to be gentle and prayerful. Women are called to be godly inside and out. The creation order for men and women is to be displayed in the church. Women are to come under the teaching of the gospel with a quiet and godly demeanor.

1 Timothy 3

The church is to appoint elders and deacons according to the calling and qualifications in the Scripture. Elders are to be the few men called and qualified to teach, oversee and shepherd the church. Deacons are to be the men qualified to manage the ministry of the church. We are all together called to maintain the purity of the teaching of the word of God as the pillar and buttress of truth.

1 Timothy 4

We are to recognize false teaching as a threat to the church. God has not called us to legalistic asceticism but to the enjoyment of his glory. We are to both know and apply the word of God to our lives. Salvation begets the importance of life and doctrine in all of us.

1 Timothy 5

The church is to act as a community. Generational love, honor and respect should be visibly evident. When an older lady has no ability to care for herself with no family of her own, the church is her family and support. Young ladies should be careful not to be idle with temptation to sin - marriage is a good thing.

1 Timothy 6

Do not allow false teachers to build an expectation that coming to Christ means he will meet your earthly temporal desires. Our contentment is found in godliness. Don't pursue the love of money (or the world) as it will only lead to destruction. Counter your earthly desires with righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness, fighting the good fight and holding on to eternal life. Be generous toward the gospel.

2 Timothy 1

We have a call to suffer for the gospel. A call to guard apostolic preaching of the gospel. Be like Onesiphorus who is not ashamed of the gospel and willing to refresh a brother under persecution because of it.

2 Timothy 2

Equip faithful men for the preaching and teaching of the gospel. Avoid being focused on worldly and civilian pursuits but keep your eyes on fulfilling your mission in Christ. Hold fast to everything we have in Christ and be faithful to it. Handle the Scriptures carefully in contrast to false teachers. God's election stands in powerful opposition to the false teachers - the Lord knows his own. Whatever the situation, our response is not to come from our own selfish desires. We are to be kind and gentle and not quarrelsome as we seek to teach others the truth in correction. We are to rely on God alone to change the hearts of men.

2 Timothy 3

Be super careful with false teachers because they can easily lead you astray and even show an appearance of godliness. You can discern this because they do not show a commitment to God's power in the repentance of sin. There is certain judgment awaiting those who will so boldly oppose God's truth. We are called, therefore, for endurance in godliness and faith. Remember where the Scriptures come from, they are God's Word, breathed out in his power. They are our useful guide and truth for all ministry.

2 Timothy 4

The pastor is to do the work of a pastor (preach, reprove, exhort) regardless of the pressures, preferences, and passions of others. Beware of those who preach what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear. At the end of your life, look toward the glory of heaven. Regardless of those who disappoint you, fulfill your calling in the gospel. Know always that the Lord is present with you. Maintain your commitment to live for his glory. The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all.