In Adam or Christ

Today is just a simple thought but one everyone needs to consider with profound honesty. There are only two possible identities for humans in the world. In our world of identity politics, it's hard to consider that there are simply two identities. The bible gives us a simplicity that moves directly to the heart of the human problem. Christians should never primarily be asking ourselves whether someone is republican, democrat, or anything else. We are always focused foremost on whether someone is in Adam or Christ. We all live and breathe according to one of these two identities.

In Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15, Paul gives explanation about what it is to be in Adam or Christ.

Romans 5:

       In Adam                                                          In Christ

       Enemies of God                                              Reconciled and saved

       All sinners                                                       The free gift of grace

       All subject to death                                         Justified before God

       Under God's judgment                                   Given life

       Condemned in sin                                           Made righteous

       Law breakers                                                   Grace abounding

       Ruled by sin and death                                   Eternal life


1 Corinthians 15:

       In Adam                                                          In Christ

       Of physical life                                                 Of spiritual life

       Of the dust                                                      Of heaven

       In the image of Adam                                     In the image of Christ

And at the return of Jesus...

       Perishable                                                       Imperishable

       Mortal body                                                    Immortal body

So, when we look around us and hear our world talk about a million different identities, let's all think about the only two that ever matter.

Are you in Adam or Christ?